
Indian Medical Visa Requirements For Nigeria.

In addition to the online application, obtaining an Indian medical visa from Nigeria requires extensive paper work. We’ll talk about how to apply for a visa as well as the conditions for getting one for India.

Indian medical visa

India is renowned for her skill in medicine. The Nigerian India embassy receives more medical visa requests than any other category. In truth, India’s medical tourism industry is expanding.

We’ll show you how to apply for a visas to India in addition to teaching you how to do so for a medical visa to India. First we start with the eligibilities of an Indian medical visa.

Eligibilities for an Indian medical visa.

Indian medical visa

If one seeks medical care in reputable, acknowledged healthcare facilities in India.

Under separate medical attendant visas, up to two attendants who are blood relatives are permitted to accompany the applicant; the duration of their visas will be the same as the medical visa.

Serious illnesses like neurosurgery, ophthalmic disorders, heart-related issues, renal disorders, organ transplantation, congenital disorders, gene therapy, radiotherapy, plastic surgery, joint replacement, etc. would be of primary consideration. However, this list of conditions is by no means exhaustive.

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Documents Needed to Apply for an Indian Medical Visa:

1: Original passport with a minimum 6-month remaining validity.
2: The online application form in hard copy.
3: A photocopy of the passport’s data page.
4: Return flight confirmation ticket.

5: Two images of the applicant, each measuring 50mm × 50mm (2 inches x 2 inches). The applicant’s face should not have any shadows in the photo, and both of his or her eyes should be open. Glue the photos onto pages 1 and 2 of the online form.

6: Your online application must be finished. Your signature should appear on the hard copy of the form in the spaces provided on pages 1 and 2.

7: Your signature on the application and the one in your passport should be identical.

8: Your contact information (phone, address, and email address) should be provided. If it is discovered that any of the contact information is false, the visa application will be rejected.

9: A distinct letter detailing each travel to India in detail, including the duration of each stay.

10; Your resume or bio or CV, which ever you prefer to call it.

11: A separate letter describing your current position and the specific reason you desire to travel to India.

12: Letter from the physician or local hospital.

13: Complete copy of the local hospital’s medical records.

14: An original recommendation letter typed. It should be properly stamped and signed by a reputable hospital where the patient has been examined, contain all of the contact information, and be on letterhead. The patient’s condition should be described in the letter along with the rationale for sending the patient to an established, specialized, or internationally renowned hospital or medical facility in India for treatment.

15: The High Commission should receive an email from the involved Indian hospital’s administration with a prepared admission letter, along with a copy for the applicant. All of the contact information, the hospital authority’s stamp, and signature should be on the letterhead. The type of the medical therapy, as well as the beginning and ending dates of the treatment, should be properly specified in the letter.

16: A letter proving the relationship and related documentation should be provided.

17: After examining the patient’s health, needs, and treatment options in India, a certificate from a panel doctor or hospital.

18: A certified bank statement from the previous three months or a letter of guarantee from the bank in the applicant’s name attesting to the applicant’s ability to pay for the cost of living and medical costs in India during the course of the medical treatment.

19: If the medical trip is sponsored, the applicant must provide an affidavit from the sponsor along with a copy of his or her identity card or passport as an attachment.

20: Only citizens of the seven countries impacted by polio, including Nigeria, are required to have an oral polio vaccination certificate. The validity of the OPV/IPV certificate that must be transported into India is one year from the date of issuance.

21: All people must have a Yellow Fever vaccination certificate, with the exception of newborns under 6 months.

Online process for documents needed to apply for an Indian medical visa.

1: Visit the website Indian Visa Online (hyperlink), which is registered with the government, and select Regular Visa Application.

2: Complete the fields for the nation, the high commission for your city, the type of visa, your date of birth, and your anticipated arrival date. After entering the access code, press the next button.

3: Click on Save and Continue after completing the remaining applicant and passport information that will appear on the screen.

4: Then, provide your address, family, and profession/occupation information. After saving, move on.

5: The Type of visa sought, previous visa/currently valid visa data, additional information, and SAARC nation visit details should all be filled out.

6: On the third page, when you click Save and Continue, a preview with all of your information will show up.

7: Go over them in detail. In the event that there is a mistake, click Modify/Edit.

8: If all of the information you supplied is accurate, click Verified and continue.

9: To complete registration, follow the instructions that appear in the new window and click OK. Click Cancel to change the details.

10: After you click OK, a window where you may choose the appointment date for submitting your application at the mission counter will display. Confirm the appointment by clicking.

11: Once you click Confirm the Appointment, a second window will appear with the choice to print or save the online application. save the documents online and print them out later to avoid loss of documents or any important information.

12: To print a tangible copy of your application form, click Print Registered Application.

13: By selecting the Visa Status Enquiry, you can find out the status of your visa.

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Processing fees for Indian medical visa in Nigeria.

A six-month Indian medical visa from Nigeria to India costs 25180 Naira (US$80), while a one-year visa costs 37770 Naira (US$120).

Processing time for Indian medical visa in Nigeria.

An Indian medical visa is processed within 2 working days of the application.

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